Lorenzo Orozco on Nitrolyze
I would have to say that NITROLYZE is what got me "hooked" on the SPECIES line. You feel an additional burst of energy and focus, and, I just felt another level of intensity to my overall workout regimen.
I would have to say that NITROLYZE is what got me "hooked" on the SPECIES line. You feel an additional burst of energy and focus, and, I just felt another level of intensity to my overall workout regimen.
PROTOLYZE is another favorite product that I use daily for a sweet treat without all the additives, calories and lack of nutrition - that other desserts give you. PROTOLYZE Keeps me on track while fulfilling those sweet cravings!
ISOLYZE -in all its flavors - is amazingly great tasting! It mixes perfectly and provides 27 grams of high quality protein with low calories per scoop! Therefore I must say ISOLYZE is my favorite product!
I've been ordering Lipolyze and Somalyze since the first of the year. With that being said, I’m now 215 pounds! I've lost 105 lbs and still going.